PMBC : Special Publication No.9

  • มีผู้สนใจ จำนวน 855 คน

ตุลาคม 2534


- Role of Taxonomy : C. Hedegaard
- The species concept : J. Hylleberg and A. Nateewathana
- Srtombidae recorded in Thailand - a check list : H. Roussy
- Pectinidae recorded in Thailand - a check list : H. Roussy
- An overview of muricid taxonomy above generic level : A. Nateewatana and J. Hylleberg
- Guideline for description of muricid species : S. Chantrapornsyl and A. Nateewatana
- The family Muricidae in the PMBC Reference Collection : S. Bussarawit
- Evolution and taxonomy of neogastropod Muricidae : C. Stella, J.K. Patterson Edward, A. Murugan and K. Ayyakkannu
- Shell ultrastructures: a tool in taxonomy, evolution and ecology : C. Hedegaard
- Socio-Economic profile of fisherman communities from the southeast coast of India : K. Ayyakkannu, C. Raghunathan and T. Rajakumar
- Shell trade in Phuket area : C. Aungtonya
- Can theories of "match" situations in high productivity frontal areas be applied to rearing of muricids? : S. Steenfeldt
- Reproductive biology of green mussel in Thailand : S. Tuaycharoen
- Mollusc hatchery in Thailand; Prachuab Khiri khan ahtchery experience : J. Nugranad
- Coastal aquaculture and sea farming in Thailand : S. Tookwinas
- Coastal hydrography from Trang to Satun, the southwest coast of Thailand : S. Khokiattiwong
- Basic data on Chicoreus ramisus: some length-weight relationships : P. Thapnu
- Food and feeding of Chicoreus ramosus : T. Ruangchua
- Field surveys ion Muricidae in India : J.K. Patterson Edward, A. Muraugan and K. Ayyakkannu
- Marine mollusk survey along the Eastern coast of the Gulf of Thailand : W. Thabthimsang
- Ecological, biochemical and antibacterial data from India : A. Murugan, J.K. patterson Edward and K. Ayyakkannu
- Can gastropods be faught down by intensive fishing? A case story from Denmark 1910 : J. Hylleberg
- Population biology of gastropods : P.Tantichodol,
- Reflections on utilization and conservation of marine resources : J. Hylleberg

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Phuket Marine Biological Center




16 ก.ค. 2558