• มีผู้สนใจ จำนวน 190 คน

กรกฎาคม 2565

ISSN 2697-6323

We are pleased to present PMBC Research Bulletin No. 79 which covers aspects on oceanograpby, biodiversity and feeding biology. The article about oceanograpby deals with seasonal and tidal variability of the sea level and currents in the Andaman Sea. For the first time, long-term observations in the Andaman Sea have been done. They demonstrated a coupling between the seasonal variation of the sea level and the monsoon winds. However, the current was influenced by other factors than the monsoon winds, such as remote forcing from the Equatorial Indian Ocean. The articles dealing with biodiversity include other results from the Andaman Sea and Gulf of Thailand: one of them is a study of the morphology and molecilar biology of the African angleshark, Squatina cf. africana Regan, 1908, where the results lead to remarks on intraspecifc variation. The second article gives an overview of an order of pelagic squid (Oegopsida) sampled by the use of a midwater traw] in the Andaman Sea. The third article is an overview of the amphipod fauna in the Southeast Asian region. It comprises a taxonomically updated checklist of all the 589 species recorded in this region, as well as information on endemism and geographic occurrence and an extensively structured overview of the literature. The fourth artic ticle deals with the jellyfish genus s Chrysaora in Thai w waters, the Andaman Sea as well as the Gulf of Thailand. The results show that they all belong to one and the same species, Chrysaora chinensis Vanhoffen, 1888. The article about feeding biology is about diet and feeding habits of large predatory fishes caught at anchored fish aggregating devices (AFADs). It gave information about the division of food resources for fish and showed that the feeding relationships among predatory fishes and their prey is complex and needs more investigations in order to be understood.


Phuket Marine Biological Center




24 พ.ย. 2565